My english class

In my diploma, i have to learn Fundamentals of management, Bussiness Math, Fundamentals of Accounting, Public speaking, Malaysian Studies and Proficiency English. So in my last entry, i want to share about my english class. Lecturer for Proficiency English is Madam Mimi. For my 1st impressions to her, i think she would be strict. But my expectation was missed, she is very nice. She is so pretty. (madam please give me full marks for my blog hehe)

 So. for the 1st class (if i am not mistaken) she divide us to partners to present about grammar's topics. So i got to present about future tense with Danial. So i decided to handle the questions and games while he focus on doing slides. Alhamdulillah, everything went well. I think a group that have interesting game goes to Fira / Aishah and Alif / Asfa. We have a lot of fun during their games because we work in a team so we want our team to win! Indirectly we can improve our knowledge in grammar. Overall, i think Madam mimi is such a genius by doing the presentation with questions and games. Grammar is boring and there are a lot of rules to follow (sorry madam hehe). So by playing the games and answer the questions given, we can improve in english and memorize it.

Next we proceed to learn about how to build an english essay, speaking test and listening test. I guess the speaking test is very difficult for me since my use of vocabulary is just like kindergarten one okay maybe UPSR level. So i practice to expand the topic given. Alhamdulilah i am doing well in practice. But in the real speaking test, i got "How to build a nation that success in Information Technology and the criteria" whichhhhh is hard for me to expand the criteria because i do not have enough knowlegde in the topic.So hopefully madam understand about what i explained and give me marks.

So it is a week for listening test. For the practice, LIKE SERIOUSLY I HEARD THAT THE AUDIO SAID "OPEN BIRD" AND THE REAL ONE IS OPEN BURNING? !! fuh ya i lost my mark. Now this is week 14, the time flies so fast. With a blink of eye, we will end our semester1. And i really hope that all of us will get passed the exam with flying colors.


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